Business Consulting for
Established Companies and Startups

Delivered Virtually or in Person

Business team meeting with a consultant.

What are the most urgent transitions facing you as a business owner or leader?

LeaderPerfect® business consulting equips you for critical transitions at every stage of business development. Among other things we help you

  • make wise startup decisions
  • develop strategic plans and marketing programs
  • achieve sustainability
  • create a management structure which accommodates growth
  • professionalize your management team
  • design and execute succession plans
  • expand through mergers and acquisitions
  • find and evaluate potential buyers

Currently we are helping small businesses return to profitable operation after staggering setbacks during the COVID pandemic.

LeaderPerfect® business consulting and coaching is a particularly attractive resource for small privately-held businesses or family enterprises which cannot afford or justify the fees of major consulting firms.

Best Business Consultants in Dallas

Yet you never compromise on quality by working with us. For seven years running, has ranked us among the 16 best business consulting firms in Dallas.

They evaluated our firm against 287 other consulting entities. Rankings were based on responsiveness, qualifications, reputation, experience, and professionalism. (For more on the selection methodology, click here.)

The LeaderPerfect® Consulting Process

We use a five-phase approach to business consulting, as outlined below. This sequence of steps moves the consulting process beyond mere problem solving to optimizing both the impact and the growth of your company.

If a customer wishes, we can treat each phase as a separate billable component or as a standalone engatement. That is, we will contract to provide any or all of these services at your discretion. This permits you to use our services for certain functions, while retaining other functions in house.

The Five Phases

(For an expanded description of a phase, click on its name.)

►  Pinpointing the Vital Issues (PVI)

The PVI phase begins with clarifying the fundamental challenge or problem to be addressed. This includes

  • gaining genuine clarity on what you want to achieve
  • identifying the underlying problems or challenges
  • stating these problems or challenges definitively

Next we work with you to develop a list of specific outcomes which you desire. Then we lead a discovery process to identify the critical issues which must be addressed in achieving these outcomes.

►  Mapping the Course (MTC)

When the MTC phase concludes, you will have a well-articulated plan of action which promises to achieve your desired results. The plan will be include timetables, assigned responsibilities for every element of the plan, milestones for measuring progress, and target dates for these milestones.

►  Pursuing Targeted Outcomes (PTO)

The PTO phase begins implementation of the plan. This phase centers on getting all essential components of the plan in place and functional. Here we are building the basic framework and structure through which the desired outcomes will be achieved. By the end of the PTO phase, this framework and structure will be fully operational.

►  Enlarging Total Effectiveness (ETE)

As we enter the ETE phase, attention turns to "fine-tuning" the system. In this phase we improve the quality and the efficiency of the new initiatives which you have implemented. By the end of the ETE phase, performance is meeting the minimal performance standards of your desired outcomes.

►  Pushing the Performance Envelope (PPE)

Now that minimal performance standards are being met, the PPE phase optimizes performance to take it to an even higher level. The aim in this phase is to transcend the desired outcomes as originally envisioned. The success of this phase is determined by performance enhancement goals identified at the beginning of the PPE phase.

If your business is just getting started . . .

SLDI's business consulting takes your performance to the next level

. . . business LeaderPerfect provides outside perspectives and insightful counsel that help you

  • create solid strategic, business, and marketing plans
  • position yourself to find investors
  • build a talented, high-quality leadership team
  • stay focused on the most vital issues in your startup
  • keep your personal motivation high
  • develop solid work habits from the very beginning

If your business is well beyond startup . . .

Our  business consulting gets striking results

. . . LeaderPerfect® business consulting and business coaching equip you to take your company to the next level, however you define that level. Our goal is always to help you and your business thrive.

Here are some examples of how we have guided clients through critical business transitions — in some cases, transitions which saved the business.

  • helped a nation-wide construction company survive the downturn in the economy after 2008 by turning their regional project managers into rain-makers who were able to uncover new lines of business
  • positioned a small mortgage company in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to become one of the ten largest mortgage benking firms in the metroplex and to be purchased by a prominent regional bank
  • assisted a subsidiary of a large national franchiser to find investors to purchase the business after the parent company decided to narrow its strategic focus and divest itself of the subsidiary
  • coordinated the integration of a new management team when a major manufacturing firm, family owned for 40 years, was acquired by a publicly-traded international conglomerate.
  • guided an international non-profit through a wholesale restructure after global political changes made the original purpose of the non-profit obsolete
  • aided two inventors in finding investors and manufacturing partners to bring a ground-breaking product to market quickly and at minimal cost
  • helped two family-owned manufacturing companies restructure their strategies and succession plans to permit an orderly transition of leadership from one generation of the family to the next

Do your needs go beyond business consulting?

Our LeaderPerfect® Resources and Solutions can provide cost-effective business coaching or executive coaching for yourself or your key business leaders. We provide special discounts for multiple coaching engagements within a single company.