The ideal of team-building is to bring about team integration. Integration means "making things one."
What better word to describe the kind of unity and collaboration which managers and leaders want for their teams?
This innovative training promotes team integration by capitalizing on the unique core values of each team member. These values are identified using the Core Values IndexTM or CVI, a profoundly insightful instrument.
The CVI measures how four innate drives shape an individual's core values.
These drives then give rise to core values which shape how we pursue success and fulfillment. The CVI measures our degree of preference for each of these values and their underlying innate drive. These preferences are an accurate predictor of how an individual will make his or her greatest and most fulfilling contributions to a well-functioning team.
This team-building training also identifies where conflict is likely to arise in the team and provides a template for harnessing conflict so that it is creative, not destructive.
Content for this training is drawn from our proprietary LeaderTrack® Professional Development Series for Managers and Leaders.
We gladly tailor this team-building exercise to the specific needs of your organization. Customization is included in the standard fee.
Delivered worldwide as an in-house, off-site, or conference program. Presentations offered in English only.
We normally conduct this type of team integration in a half-day format, but the event can be expanded to a full day by adding other team-building activities.
In addition to the following fees, there is a charge of $45 per participant to defray the cost of the Core Values IndexTM, which is taken online and requires about ten minutes to complete.
In North America
Outside North America
Apart from the cost of the CVI profiles, the fee is all-inclusive of pre-event coordination, customization, post-event evaluations, class workbooks, handouts, and other participant materials. (A slight additional fee may be incurred for more than 15 participant notebooks.) No travel fee for trainings in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.
We provide discounted fees for
We also have special pricing for convention break-out presentations.
Here are subjects which are typically part of a team integration using this approach. The final outline is always developed in collaboration with the client. And at the client's request, the course may include topics not listed below.
Qualities of strong teams
How to capitalize on individual strengths to build team strength
The role of values in motivation, performance, and personal fulfillment
Types of values
Introduction to the Core Values IndexTM
How the CVI differs from personality and behavioral instruments
Individual results as reflected in the CVI
Distribution of core values within the team
Team strengths and vulnerabilities in light of this distribution
Degree to which the team as a whole is balanced in its use of the four innate drives
How to draw on CVI insights to prevent conflict from becoming destructive and counterproductive within the team