Transform Your Corporate Culture

with the
Organizational Culture Inventory

The Organizational Culture Index (OCI) is the most widely-used and thoroughly-researched tool for cultural diagnostics in the world. It quickly identifies the degree to which a corporate culture is constructive and the degree to which it has been infected with defensive and self-serving attitudes.

Looking at twelve facets of organizational culture, the OCI identifies specific behavioral changes which would

  • facilitate better problem-solving and decision-making
  • promote teamwork
  • enhance productivity
  • and yield long-term effectiveness

The Organizational Culture Inventory provides feedback on both your overall culture and specific sub-cultures within it. The feedback report (encompassing more than 150 pages of charts, graphs, and commentary) allows you to pinpoint where change is most urgent. It also documents how the need for change differs from one part of the organization to another.

As your cultural change consultant, SLDI then uses this information to help you design and deploy a thorough-going change process aimed at transforming your corporate culture.

Feedback from the OCI is even more valuable when combined with findings from the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI). You should consider using the OCI and the OEI in tandem.

What the Organizational Culture Inventory Measures

The OCI is a two-pronged assessment. First, it surveys your people to determine how they envision an ideal corporate culture. Second, it gathers their perceptions of the organizational culture which they experience daily.

The OCI then provides feedback which draws a distinct contrast between the workers' ideal culture and the one which they perceive. This presents management with a simple set of data points for identifying change priorities.

The Organizational Culture Inventory also determines the extent to which the experienced culture is constructive and collaborative as opposed to being defensive and self-protective. Further, it analyzes defensive behavior by distinguishing between patterns of conduct which are passive and those which are aggressive.

The Validity of the OCI

The Organizational Culture Inventory has reached its current state of maturity through decades of refinement and research. This research has evaluated hundreds of organizations to establish OCI norms. Moreover, these organizations came from a broad cross-section of differing ethnic, social, political, and religious communities worldwide.

This research reveals that all people, wherever they may live, envision an ideal organizational culture in much the same way. The OCI is thus a universally-relevant instrument. Even companies with far-flung global operations can use it to assess overall organizational health and plan change initiatives accordingly.

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