. . . he makes these commitments to you:
- Your conversations with your coach or anyone on his staff, and any inside information about your company, will always be treated with absolute confidentiality.
- He will come to every coaching session fully prepared and singularly focused on you, your goals, and your priorities.
- He will gladly take calls from you between coaching sessions, at no additional fee.
- He will return phone calls from you before the end of the day, and when possible within an hour and a half.
- You are entitled to unlimited email exchanges with your coach between sessions. He will make every effort to respond to email within 24 hours, unless travel schedules preclude a timely response.
- He will gladly reschedule a coaching session at no additional cost so long as you notify him at least 24 hours in advance that you need to reschedule. Otherwise a charge equal to half the fee for the session may be charged.