Building Worker Engagement on Your Team

A Roadmap for Leaders and Managers

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Mike Armour is a featured headliner on C-Suite Radio

What would it mean to your organization if you could increase worker engagement 20 per cent?

According to research done by Gallup, low worker engagement costs the global economy seven trillion dollars per year. While engagement is higher in North America than in many other parts of the world, only a third of American workers are truly engaged with their organization.

This does not mean that other workers are unproductive. They may indeed perform at an acceptable level. But they are somewhat indifferent toward the organization. They feel no particular passion for it, no great loyalty to it. It's just a place to earn a paycheck.

In today's podcast, Dr. Mike Armour provides a roadmap for turning this situation around. He offers practical advice on how leaders and managers can enhance worker engagement by pursuing four strategies.

  • First is to build connections with workers at a personal level.
  • Second is to demonstrate caring commitment to workers individually and collectively.
  • Third is to make collaborative communication between managers and workers commonplace in your organization.
  • And fourth is to captivate workers with their leader's aspirations both for them and for the organization.